Price: $200
Look, let’s be honest.
We here at Admission Statements have mixed feelings about Draft Editing services. It’s the model most of our competitors operate under, and frankly it’s just not as effective as our Consultation, Draft Coaching, and Full Editing Services. The problem is that final draft editing is just very late in the game to be bringing in expert help. At that point, most of the really important decisions have already been made. Think about it. If you’ve gotten off track—if you haven’t found the right topic and written the right stories—then the most we can do is point it out to you and tell you why we think it is or isn’t working. It would have been so much better to be able to help you make that decision in the first place. Yes, we can still correct grammar and spelling, and we can give you lots of helpful feedback about how the essay is or isn’t coming together, but we highly recommend you work with an editor through the entire writing process.
Okay. End of rant.
Having said all that, we do understand that some people prefer just to do the drafting on their own and then, once they have a finished essay in hand, get some help with revision, proofreading, and polishing. If that’s what you want, then yes, we can certainly do that for you. We’ll review your essay carefully, comment on your tone, voice, flow, logic, and any other broad issues that arise in your draft, and give you suggestions for revision. We’ll also check for typos, grammatical mistakes, and other problems that could make you look bad to the committee.