No matter which of our services you end up choosing, the Consultation is where you should start.
The Consultation is your chance to visit one-on-one with one of us, and let us take the time to get to know you, learn your situation, and help to draw out your essential stories. We’ll go over each element of your application with you—your resume, recommendation letters, addenda, etc.—and help you form a plan to make sure all the pieces will fit together. You’ll come away with a clear understanding of what you need to do and how to do it, and you’ll be well on your way to bringing your personal statement (and your application) to life.
If you later decide to take advantage of our Full Personal Statement Editing Service, the cost of your Consultation can be deducted 100% from that Editing Service price.
Draft Coaching
Draft Coaching is not the place to send your shiny, polished, final essay. This service is for applicants who are ready to start writing, or who have become stuck in the process, and want help.
Over the past two decades, we have become huge believers in drafting. Seriously, we can talk all day about this. When it comes to writing a powerful personal statement, there is no substitute for extensive, effective drafting. But how do you take all these stories and ideas you’ve been brainstorming and decide which ones will be best for your essay? And once you’ve decided, how do you shape them so that they’re relevant to law school? How do you do battle with that horrifying blank page?
In Draft Coaching, we will jump into the trenches with you, look at the brainstorming and drafting you’ve already done, and show you how to turn those stories in your head into prose that will stick in your readers’ minds.
Final Draft Editing
If you’ve already written your statement and all you’re looking for is an expert to read your personal statement, tell you how it’s working, and make sure it’s error-free, that’s what Final Draft Editing is about.
With Final Draft Editing, we will review your essay carefully for errors and weaknesses; comment on tone, voice, content, cohesion, and other broad issues that arise in your draft, and make suggestions for improvement. We’ll tell you how the essay is functioning based on what we know of admissions committees and what makes a personal statement work, and also provide a thorough line-by-line edit to make sure your essay is clean and error-free.
Full-Service Drafting and Editing
To put it bluntly, this is hands-down the best law school essay drafting and editing service in the known universe; no exaggeration. Full Service Editing means that you will work one-on-one with an Admission Statements editor from wherever you are in the writing process (even if you haven’t yet written a word) until your law school personal statement is absolutely the best it can be.
We don’t impose any cut-off date or limit on the number of drafts we’ll edit or how many times you can contact your editor for help. This way, there’s no clock-watching; you can take your time and do your essay right. Unlike other editing services that try to rush you in and out their door, we are fully invested in each client’s essay, and we even limit the number of clients we take each year to insure that we don’t rush the process or settle for a product that’s less than stellar.
Full Service Editing is like having a writing partner at your elbow—a partner who happens to be a lawyer and/or writing professor with decades of essay-writing experience.