How We Came to Be
Admission Statements, LLC (ASLLC) was started in 2000.
At that time (as now) there were several online companies offering advice and help with law school personal statements, but most of those online companies’ editors were basically glorified proof-readers, charging high fees to give clients cursory readings and superficial suggestions like “be more descriptive,” “fix this comma splice,” and “use more variety in your sentence structure”—the same advice offered for free at any university writing center.
ASLLC was created to offer something entirely different: the kind of personalized, comprehensive, one-on- one coaching we wished we could have found when we were applying to law school. From the beginning, ASLLC clients garnered acceptance and scholarship offers beyond what their GPA and LSAT scores suggested were possible. Not only that, but deans and professors often included hand-written messages in the margins of our clients’ acceptance letters specifically mentioning how much they enjoyed reading the statements. Our clients began receiving personal phone calls from top schools to discuss their personal essays. One ASLLC clients, surprised by the full-ride scholarship offer he received from a Top 5 school despite his mediocre scores, called the university. “I’m certainly not complaining,” he said, “but I’m just wondering why you chose me!” The answer was typical of what many of our clients were hearing: “We loved your personal statement.”
Contact Us
Admission Statements, LLC